Google social media attempt failed, Google+ ended.
Indeed, “failure” seems a bit complicated – Google launches a series of very similar communities, but not enough to keep Google alive.
You may recall that in October, Google announced the upcoming G + closure in August 2019, followed by inaccurate privacy behind the update instructions to speed up the end of April. Google + Final Public Date is now locked – April 2, 2019. Day Cylchoedd ends.
As Google explained:
“April 2, your Google+ account and all of the Google pages you create are closed, we’re getting rid of Google user account accounts. It will also release an album and your Google+ page will save Google+ photos and videos.”
If you would like to store G + content, download and store your content here. Please note that images and videos that support Google images will not be deleted.
“Deleting content from a Google+ user account, Google+ pages, and photo album albums will take several months, content may be present. For example, users may have multiple users through activation files, and Google + may view some of the contents of a Google+ account. You’ll still see content before deleting Google+ users.”
In other words, after April 2, Google+ may be a floating online spirit for some time, but they do it – spirit. The place no longer exists. It’s time to say goodbye.
Google also noted that owners and administrators of the Google+ community can download and save data, including other downloads since March 2019, “including the author, body, and image of each community in the community.”
“If you use the Google+ sign-in button to visit and use the website, these buttons will no longer work in the coming weeks but may be replaced by the Google sign-in button. In some cases, you can see your signature using the Google button, you can use your Google Account.”
Basically, Google + closes and all G + connections are no longer running slowly. This may be your site’s email address and relevant contact information – if you are a social media consultant, you may want to remove the G + link as soon as possible, otherwise, you may be able to contact the latest developments.
Like Google+, Google has worked to add social search capabilities to deliver more business opportunities to its core products. Not the same, it is not a social network, it is very sad to see all the communities that affect the stage. But now is the time for you to be ready.
The analysis at the end of G + is now in the final stages.
Author Bio:
Daisy Walker is doing Master of Philosophy in Media Science from the University of California and this is her 5th year. She is a used to write an article for SEO Link Building Services. She is a brilliant life trainer as well.